This is kind of embarrassing because I meant to write this the day before I started my senior year, but here we are, 3 weeks into school and I'm just now sitting down to write this. If that isn't an indication of how this semester has been so far, I don't know what is! (Read: super busy!)

There's so much that I'm looking forward to this year, and a lot that I have bittersweet feelings towards. Today is the start of football season, so of course that's a huge thing I'm excited for! There is always something to look forward to during the long weeks in fall semester when you know that Saturday (or in this week's case, Thursday) will bring tailgate and being able to hang out with all of your favorite people all day long.

The idea of graduation and what to do after May is both exciting and really scary. Knowing that in less than a year, everything that I have known for almost 16 years -- going to school -- will be over is actually terrifying. What job will I have? Where will I live? Will I still keep in touch with my friends? True adulthood is right around the corner and I don't know how to process that. I want to stay in my little safe zone at NC State and go to class, go to work, do some homework, and see my friends everyday.

Even though I would stay here forever if I could, I feel ready to move on. Like I have accomplished all I wanted to here and this year is just set on cruise control so I can fully enjoy it. I am so thankful for my college experience thus far. I have felt the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and I am really, truly happy with where I am right now. It is so weird to look back at where and who I was three years ago at this time. I can see how far I've come and I'm extremely proud of myself for persevering and getting to this place I am at now.

College is strange. It will tear you down and build you up. It teaches you the hard lessons, the really ugly ones, as well as the best ones, like: nothing beats a 1 am milkshake run with your best friends, the best tears are the ones that come from laughing until your stomach hurts, and that dancing, whether in your room or at the bar, is really good for your soul. The only bad, truly awful thing about college is that 4 years goes by way too fast.

Freshman year move-in...

to my senior year apartment!



Bushel and Peck. Theme by STS.