Snow What Fun

We had an incredible snow this time last week! It was short lived, coming Wednesday and being almost completely gone by Thursday night, but it was so beautiful. It started Wednesday morning around 10:30 and gradually picked up until it was snowing as hard as I can remember in recent years. It put down somewhere close to 6 inches in about 6 hours. The last time we saw such an amount of snow was my freshman year of college! NC State closed Wednesday and Thursday, so we found ourselves with a nice little break in the middle of what would have already been a 4 day week. 

I found it in me to be somewhat productive on Wednesday, but spent the rest of the day and Thursday going in and out to the dog park to let the pups enjoy it (the snow froze to Lupin's fur making him look like he was wearing boots!), drinking hot chocolate, eating comfort food, and watching movies. That made facing a full week this week so much harder!

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