Happy Birthday, Harrison!

Around a year ago (almost exactly a year ago) I befriended this boy who was in my newly found circle of friends. I really met him back in the fall of 2015 and we would talk on occasion at get togethers, but he was never around much because he was running for FFA national office. Pretty successful guy, right? I think so.

I truly think, however, that our friendship truly started on his 21st birthday. Harrison and I practically became inseparable after that and I'm so thankful for the different relationships we've cultivated over the past year.

I don't know how it's even possible that we've been best friends for a year and dating for about six-and-a-half months now. We have done so many things in the past 12 months, made so many memories, learned so much, grown so much. There's no one else whose hand I'd rather hold in this crazy life.

I am so thankful for his way of telling stories, the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs, his unconditional and constant love and support, his love for traveling and seeing new things, how he knows me so well (almost as well as I know myself), his gingerbread house decorating skills, and his passion for songs about the USA.

Happy 22nd birthday to the sweet, strong, handsome, caring, and loving boy I get to call mine!

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