I know we're not fully through with March yet, but I wanted to round up some pictures from the past 29 days to share what I've been up to this month! It's been a crazy, fast month... how is almost April already?! Also, March, you never fail me with the "in like a lion, out like a lamb" saying. You definitely came in like a lion (remember all the wind!?), and you managed to redeem yourself with 4 days left in the month- yesterday was 75, today is going to be 80, and Friday and Saturday will be above 65, too!

How can you not love these sweet faces?! Sailor has turned into quite the lap dog lately (I think all the puppy energy is about gone) and sometimes, when you catch them on a good day, you can find Lupin lounging with her.

 Alpha Gamma Rho celebrated their 99th anniversary on NC State's campus this month! The fraternity's colors are green and gold, and Founder's Day dinner just so happened to be on St. Patrick's Day, too, so it provided the perfect excuse to wear green (read: buy a new green dress)! I love when old friends are able to get together, and celebrating this organization that has provided so much opportunity is just an added bonus.

I made many a trip across the street from the building I work in to the coffee shop for an iced caramel latte (sorry, budget!). In my defense, March has been a hectic month!

Taken the same day as the picture of the coffee above... yes, I went to get iced coffee in the snow. March's weather was strange, to put it kindly. I wasn't going to complain about seeing a few more flurries this year, though!

I had a very unwelcome visitor in my bathroom one morning in the form of one of the insects depicted on that can- and it wasn't an ant. If there's one bug that I can't deal with, it's a roach. My mom can attest to that... she and Erin were audibly laughing at me while I was having a total meltdown on the phone. I bought this can of bug spray that afternoon and it has sat on my bathroom counter since. 

Can you tell that she basically thinks bath-time is water boarding?

Oyster roasts are one of my all-time favorite events- especially when the proceeds go to as good a cause as Ducks Unlimited! Harrison and I had a great time shucking oysters and supporting waterfowl conservation!

If there's one thing I can thank Sailor for, it's that she keeps us active. Exploring new trails is one of our favorite things to do. This one was at Lake Benson and Sailor was not a fan of the coots that were on the water.

I'm thankful for another fun, healthy, happy month in the books! I'm excited to see what April has to bring.


If you haven't heard, the dairy industry is having a pretty tough time right now. Milk prices that hung right around the $16 mark for the good part of last year all the sudden tanked around the first of 2018. During almost the entire month of February, the price of milk was at or below $13.50. That is a 14% decrease from the 2017 average. Currently, milk prices are around $14.

Dairy farmers get paid per hundred pounds of milk produced. Currently there is a huge supply of milk which is driving prices down. Many farms are struggling to make ends meet and some co-ops that purchase milk are sending letters with suicide hotline numbers along with the checks they are writing to their producers. You may have even heard of the contract cuts by Dean Foods. They ended partnerships with over 100 dairy farms (read: family farms) who now have until May 31st to figure out what to do with their milk or face going out of business. You can't just turn off milk production in a dairy cow. They keep producing and you keep milking, even if you have nowhere to send it.

That being said, there are ways to help support the dairy industry...

Put another gallon of milk in your cart. If you have the resources, consider purchasing more dairy products. If you don't finish it, pour it down the drain.

Consider switching to real dairy products if you are able. If you are drinking almond, soy, or other beverages (legally, they cannot be called 'milk!'), switch to the real thing! Dairy products are much more nutrient dense.

If you don't drink dairy (or even if you do), purchase some to donate to a food bank. Milk is often one of the most demanded items by food banks (because it is so nutritious!). Ask if your local food bank will take donations of milk, and if they do, purchase extra and drop it by. If you don't want to deal with all of those extra stops, you can donate online to The Great American Milk Drive.

Cook with butter. Who wants margarine, anyway!?

Go out for ice cream and drink chocolate milk. They are easily the best dairy products out there. Buy a gallon or a tub this week, or stop by your local ice cream shop or creamery for a treat!

Ask your local school district to bring back milk. Milk has disappeared from the lunch line at many schools. Bringing it back will restart that market!

And most importantly... do your research. If you see a shocking video or a scary statement, research all sides of it. Don't believe what PETA or other animal rights organizations have to say- they have an agenda. Don't believe what the misinformed people on Facebook have to say about what's really in your milk. Go to the source. Learn the processes. Incorrect information spread by fearful people will drag an industry down. Don't spread lies. Ask questions and learn.


I saw a quote recently that read: "Why do racehorses wear blinders? So they focus on their own race. We should learn to do the same."

The horse person in me wanted to say that there could be a myriad of reasons for putting blinkers on a horse, but essentially, that is correct. It is to keep the horse focused on what is in front of them. That quote resonated with me. We need to learn to focus on our own selves and our own lives and cut out comparison.

Galatians 6:4-5 says, "Let each person examine his own work, and then he can take pride in himself alone, and not compare himself with someone else. For each person will have to carry his own load."

Let each person examine his own work. That is, focus only on what you are doing. Go about your work, or your choices, or your life living up to only your standards (or the standards that were set for you by work, etc.). Don't focus on what your coworker is doing at work or what your friend is doing with his or her life. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Then he can take pride in himself alone, and not compare himself with someone else. When you focus on your own goals and avoid getting caught up in competition, you can be proud of yourself because you know that you did it for you- not for anyone else. You worked hard to become president of a club because that's what fit your goals, not because it's what your best friend did and you need to be able to compare to her. You went a different route with your major because the career path you were heading down wasn't going to allow you to build the life you wanted and you didn't care what your classmates thought about it. Achieve what YOU want to achieve and what will propel YOU forward. Don't do something because everyone else is doing it. Don't seek the approval of your peers or competitors. As a servant of Christ, seek only the approval of the Lord.

For each person will have to carry his own load. When it comes down to it, you will have to answer for your own choices. When those friends drift away and you are on a path you don't want to be on, how do you explain that you are there because you followed the crowd? Because you had to keep up with the newest trends. Because you got distracted with what everyone else was doing and didn't finish your own race.

The shadows are distracting. The others around you will get you sidetracked. The spectators will scare you. Look forward. Stay your path. Put your blinders on. Your race is the one that matters. Your choices will define your life. Dig in and give your all to the goals you have set. Out of the gate it may look like someone else is so much further ahead, so much faster and stronger. But maybe they weren't conditioned the same. Maybe they were trained with short bursts of speed, whereas you were trained with long gallops to build stamina. Resist wanting to speed up and challenge them now. Let your race play out and do what you do best. Stick to the plan because it all works out in the end.

"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2


I haven't written about it here yet, mainly because I haven't written about much of anything here lately, but one of my goals for 2018 was to be more intentional and actually accomplish some of the things that I want to accomplish. I purchased the PowerSheets Goal Planner from Cultivate What Matters to help me achieve my goals. It has been a great tool so far in helping me prioritize what matters and get those things knocked out each month. I plan to write more about the PowerSheets system, but for now, I will share the goals I have set for March!

-Church 3x (pretty self explanatory!)

-Write in our notebook (Harrison and I have a notebook that we write notes to each other in. We try to swap it every time we see each other, but I have had it for almost 2 months now. Time to buckle down and actually get it back to him!)

-Phone-free date night (Harrison and I are forever going on dates (to us, a simple dinner out (or in!) is a date), but being intentional about listening to each other without distractions doesn't always happen. I want to make it a point to have dinner without our phones one night... maybe even leave them in the car!)

-Dinner at home 2x (getting home to spend quality time with my family is a priority this month)

-Take pictures! (I know this isn't a measurable goal, but I didn't want to set too many restrictions for myself. I just want to get back in the swing of using my camera and enjoying it.)

-Purge closet (cleaning my closet at home has been on my to-do list since I moved out... it is happening this month for sure!)

-Read 2 books (I have started The Defining Decade, now I need to finish it and pick up another!)

-Blog (checking off for this week!)

-3 workouts (after completing a free 10 day course, I signed up for The Balanced Life Sisterhood pilates membership... I want to do at least 3 of these workouts per week)

-Write the Word (when I purchased my PowerSheets, I also purchased a Write the Word Bible journal... I need to have an entry per week!)

-Meal prep (I eat so much healthier when I prep my lunches at the beginning of the week!)

-Mint (changed to Budget Updates) (I used to use Mint to budget, but I'm trying my own system now... I need to keep it updated each week!)

-4 walks with Sailor (it's good exercise for the both of us!)

-Close all 3 rings (this feature on my Apple Watch is a huge motivator for me to get moving!)

-Up at 6:20 (I can't say that getting out of bed early is one of my strong suits)

-Bed by 10:30 (neither can I say that going to bed early is either)

-No spending (definitely not feasible everyday, but it's a good reminder and being able to check that box off has prevented me from picking up everything in sight at Target a time or two...)

-3 cups of water (doesn't seem like a lot, but the cup I drink out of is 16 ounces, so it could be worse... it's a starting point for me because I am SO bad about drinking water)

That seems like a lot, but it is manageable when split up like it is. Some things take me all month, but some are only one-time! As you can see, I have already, on March 1st, gotten out of bed later than 6:20 and spent money. Little by little is the goal- not perfection! This has been a great lesson for me in extending myself grace.

Also, all of my goals are color-coded by the little dots beside them. Each little goal is tied to one larger goal that I set at the beginning of the year. I set 5, with a quarterly review coming up at the end of March. I already know some things that I want to adjust. This system has been life-changing so far, so I can't wait to get started on March's goals!



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