Meet 288!

I pretty much knew all along that Harrison and I were going to get married, and that when we did I would move to Statesville. I'll write more on my thoughts on moving later, but it is both something that I just accepted and was excited for. Four years in college and away from the farm was about all Harrison could take!

Soon after we got engaged, we started thinking about where we would live. Enter 288.

Harrison's parents had a rental house that was occupied at the time, but that they would let us buy from them when the time came. After some discussion, Harrison and I determined that would be the best path for us to take... even though I had never seen the inside! We drove by it occasionally while their renters were still there and we even took some trees down ahead of time. When the renters left, I finally got to see the inside of the 1967 ranch-style brick house and I just knew that I needed to take some pictures so I could write about its transformation once we got started on it! 

Pretty much everything in it was original- from the counter tops to the green kitchen sink to the blue master bath (wait until you see it!). I started brainstorming on the spot, thinking of what we could do and how much some fresh paint would elevate the looks. I'll talk some about our plans below, but mainly I wanted to get some before pictures posted. It's always great to be able to look back from where you came! I'll write in more detail about plans later.

With some landscaping and new shutters, I see some serious curb appeal waiting to shine through!

(Disregard the awful looking yard- we took down a few trees and are waiting to get the stumps ground down and seed the yard.) 

As I write this, we have started on the kitchen remodel! We wanted to get rid of the peninsula counter to open up the dining area some. The wood paneling will be getting a fresh coat of paint, too!

There are some things I love about the living room- the hardwoods are beautiful and the picture window lets in a ton of light! That fan, though... it is a behemoth.

We started priming the walls to paint them and even that has brightened it up so much. We are looking forward to getting new light fixtures, too.

The soap holder and towel bars on the wall feel so antique, ha! 

Taking up the linoleum is first order of business. We have fun plans coming for the bathroom situation!

Y'all. This bathroom. Straight out of the 1960s. My biggest question... where in the WORLD did they get a blue toilet???? (Fun fact: none of the bathrooms have outlets in them.)

There are a few rooms I left out because there wasn't much to see. I can't wait to post updates with what we're working on. Having God provide us with a place to live after we get married is such a blessing. Harrison and I are so excited to be homeowners and to be able to make our little house into a home that reflects our personalities and relationship. Cheers to 288!

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