2022 Goals

 I took 2021 off of buying Powersheets (my favorite yearly goal planner!) and looking back, I know there are some areas of my life where having them would have made all the difference. Last year, and almost all of 2020 for that matter, felt really unfocused and scattered. I'm by no means beating myself up for any of that... I can just see some areas for improvement that I could have made.

I jumped back into Powersheets this year and completed all my prep work during December. I wanted to get another set for this year so that I could start off the year intentionally and set a vision for what I wanted the year to look like when I reflect on it in December 2022. It might seem a little counterintuitive to set goals for what will probably be the craziest year of my life so far, but I felt like setting a focus would help me achieve what really matters.

I have only a few goals for 2022, all of which that have a few action steps to go along with them. If you read them and have any words of encouragement or advice, they would be welcomed appreciatively (:

1. Prepare our hearts and home for Baby J. Welcoming a new life into the world will undoubtedly be the biggest, scariest, most exciting change in our own short lives thus far. I want to be as prepared as I can be so that we can enjoy our time with our little one (I already know they grow so fast, and I'm sure I'll be blown away at how quickly it actually happens!) and make the transition to a family of three.

  • Complete our birthing classes
  • Pre-register at the hospital
  • Move furniture out of the nursery
  • Hang curtains
  • Paint the changing table
  • Assemble the crib and bassinet
  • Purchase postpartum essentials
  • Pack our hospital bags
  • Make freezer meals
  • Stock up on household essentials at Sam's
  • Hire a house cleaner for late February/early March
  • Get my car detailed before we install our car seat
  • Set up a postpartum bathroom basket
  • Set up a living room diaper changing caddy
  • Organize all baby items
  • Think about special traditions/jewelry/etc. to commemorate our little one's birth

2. Create a functional and enjoyable home. This is probably the biggest and most unfocused goal that will definitely be worked on little by little. I'm not expecting any major accomplishments in this area in the next couple of months. My heart behind this goal is simply to have a home where we feel at peace and that functions on autopilot as much as possible. I enjoy spending time in my home and keeping a house, but the time to be had to do that is short. I want to focus energy on putting systems in place so that when I do spend less time working on my home it doesn't fall completely apart.

  • Create a 20-minute clean up/"putting the house to bed" habit each night
  • Organize the guest room
  • Get rid of/store excess furniture
  • Get our robot vacuum back online
  • Establish a functioning laundry routine
  • Create a daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally house cleaning plan
  • Deep clean our couch and rugs
  • Organize seasonal decor so it is easy to access, put up, and store
  • Manage our finances more closely

3. Love my people well. I get so much energy from giving back to the people I love: my husband, my family, my friends. I want to continue to pour into them so that I can maintain relationships and make sure they know they are loved! Relationships with others have grown increasingly important to me over the past few years. When you are afforded good people in your life it is important to take care of them!

  • Have a monthly date night with Harrison (even if this means having grandparents keep the baby for an hour while we go to the McDonalds drive-thru!)
  • Create a perpetual birthday list for sending cards
  • Create a gift idea list for birthdays and holidays
  • Send out the BFF (Best Friends' Favorites) survey and create a plan for birthdays

4. Take care of myself. I want to be my best self so that I can give to the people I love. I'm not into "self care" as society presents it, but I do understand the importance of taking time to enjoy things that I like and to take care of my mental and physical health. For me, this involves my faith, exercise, and personal care routines.

  • Spending one weekend per month at home with no plans (something that should get easier when we have a new little human!)
  • Walk 500 miles this year (I know a little less than a mile per day sounds kind of pathetic, but this is the year for reasonable goals!)
  • Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water per day
  • Write in my line per day journal
  • Finish the Bible
  • Establish a morning routine
  • Read 1 book per month

When our little one gets here, I fully anticipate replacing my first goal of preparation with one about raising and loving our baby... I'm envisioning something like taking monthly photos, writing in our baby book, using the 1 Second Video app, and establishing traditions and routines.

Do you set annual goals? I'd love to hear what some of yours are for 2022!

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