Dear Future Husband,

I pray for you almost every night, which means you're on my mind a lot. Truthfully, I've been thinking about you since I was about 15. Having a loving, fulfilling marriage has been one of my life goals since I was young. I've always had a timeline for when I was going to meet and marry you, but let me tell ya, if there's one way that I know God is in control, it's because my plan hasn't panned out! You see, instead of trying to stick to my timeline for when I want to get married, have kids, etc., God clearly has a plan for me regarding you. I know you are a loving, caring man with a big heart and a great taste in music and I know this because I know God wants what's best for me and he has handpicked you for me.

Someone once told me that they were afraid of not being enough for me. I looked him in the eye and told him that it would be terribly difficult to not be enough for me because I don't ask for much. My wants for who you are are few and far between, vague, but oh so important.

First and foremost, I want you to love God the most. More than me, more than money, more than partying, more than all else. If you have a heart for God, I know for certain that you will love me like He loved His one and only son. You will never be perfect, sweetheart, but with the Lord, you can move mountains. I want you to love your family and have a good relationship with your parents. Your family will be my family and I want to know the people who raised such a wonderful man.

Lastly, I want you to have a big heart, a child's heart, full of love and wonder and happiness. You're going to make mistakes and do dumb things, but if you have a big heart, it will be clear that you mean no harm. Someone who is always willing to help others, who goes out of his way to care for a friend, is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. Obviously I have no idea of who you are or what you will be like, but I picture you having an incredible work ethic, but basically being a big kid, always wanting to laugh and joke and enjoy life and the little things. Someone who I know will always love me, even when he dislikes me; who will hold me tight in his arms and open his heart to me.

I know you're out there somewhere and I pray you are following God's plan that He has laid out for you. One day, when it leads to me, I pray we realize we were meant for each other and are prepared to love each other like I know we can.


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