Caroline at 1 Month Old


Our sweet girl turned 1 month old on March 24th! I can't believe how fast time is flying (and how late I am writing this!). She has brought such a joy in our lives that even a little bit of sleep deprivation can't take away.

Caroline Miloree rounded out her first month around 7.5 pounds and 20 inches long, wearing newborn clothes. She was still sleeping most of the day, but towards that 4 week mark was becoming much more awake and aware, and started eating close to 4 ounces on occasion! She has been loving taking naps on mom and dad, bouncing, having her hair washed, and her pacifier. She is largely not a fan of outfit changes! She has the sweetest, calmest personality so far and, more often than not, just observes what's going on around her.

There aren't many toys that she is into yet, but she started to follow sounds with her eyes, so we use a lot of rattles.

We managed to take her on quite a few outings during her first month. She visited the farm for the first time on March 2nd, where she sat on her first tractor with her dad and saw the sheep and alpacas. We had newborn photos taken at the house on March 5th! Our sweet photographer told us how to use a hair dryer to calm her down. On March 8th we took her to Clayton for the first time! She met both her great-grandmothers and two of her great aunts. We took her to a winery on March 11th. It was quiet and nice outside, so that was a fun first public outing with Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins. On the way home we took her to her first restaurant... Village Inn Pizza in Taylorsville because we were all starving! She met the Wednesday lunch crowd at the golf course on March 16th. On March 17th I ran quite a few errands with her and we had friends over for supper on March 18th. Their little girl loved meeting Caroline. We hosted Congressman Ted Budd at the farm on March 19th as part of his senate campaign, and we rounded out the month on March 24th with her first overnight trip to Clayton to visit Mimi, Chief, Aunt Erin, and Aunt Cassie! I'm not quite sure how we were able to do so much- it didn't feel like a ton until I just typed it out!

We didn't have a ton of firsts this month, but she got her first bath at home on February 27th because she pooped all up her belly! I was so worried because it was in and around her umbilical stump, so I was more than relieved when it fell off and was perfectly healed. Her first doctor appointment was on March 1st. She weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz., down a half pound from her birth weight. The doctor said she was somewhat jaundiced, likely caused by the bruise on her head that she got from being stuck behind my pubic bone for about 2 hours. She had us come for several rechecks and put her in the sunshine to help clear it up.

Harrison loves to aggravate her, which I expect will continue her whole life. He finds her startle and rooting reflexes hilarious and takes every opportunity to activate them. I love snuggles and when she looks at my face for a long time, as well as tickling her little feet! She is everything we dreamed she would be and more, and we can't wait to watch her grow... while also wanting time to slow down!

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