Changing Seasons


There are so many different markers that people choose for when autumn begins for them personally. Maybe it's when school goes back in session, or when the weather starts to cool down, or maybe you are a realist and know that fall doesn't ~truly~ begin until September 22nd. For me, the first day of fall is the first Saturday in September when dove season opens. It always feels like there is a chill in the air that morning (even though we'll all be sweating by lunchtime) and the bustle of summer is starting to wind down. I love what lies ahead, but changing seasons, I've found, have a tendency to leave me in a funk. Life feels discombobulated and lacking rhythm. I feel untethered, being tossed here and there by the weather and activities.

That couldn't be more true this year. My last day as a 4-H Agent is September 23rd, a difficult but necessary decision to make. I have loved my time with 4-H, and I owe so much to 4-H myself, but I'm ready for a new chapter and more time to spend with our sweet Caroline.

Though it can feel unsettling, changing seasons also tend to inspire me. I sometimes bite off more than I can chew, but I feel a creative urge to do something more, something fresh. So I decided to start with something I've been putting off: a rebrand. I love the Grace & Grain Bins brand I created to house my candle business, but I was struggling with connecting it to a personal brand and broader activities on the farm. It was time for something a little more grown up, that felt timeless and had the ability to grow with me and my dreams. That's where Bushel + Peck was born. My candles will now be branded as Bushel + Peck Supply Company, giving me freedom to incorporate other products moving forward. Giving me freedom to create a space where I can create at my own pace.

I've loved to write as long as I can remember, and I love having a space where family and friends can read about our life, if they so wish. I've tried the traditional blog atmosphere, and truly have grown tired of it. The upkeep and the perfectionism I feel when I'm in that space is draining. So I decided to rein it in and decrease, and I created this Facebook page. It already feels like so much less pressure. Like I can write a small blurb, give a life update here or there, without the need for perfectly curated pictures and formatting. I hope that this helps me to write more. Of course, Facebook isn't the best place to house a blog, but I'm going to make do. Because I'm tired to trying to force myself into a box that eventually kills my inspiration.

I'm embracing slow and simple this season, in every aspect of life.

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