Twenty Seven

 If you follow me on Instagram, you probably caught the recap of my birthday weekend on my story, but I wanted to share some more photos and tidbits from the weekend here!

My last day at work was Friday and I was so sad to leave my coworkers, but I’m also so excited for the new opportunity that awaits me.

After I got home, we hopped on the road to Clayton to spend the weekend with my parents and sisters. We got there in time for the first fire pit evening of the fall, which was glorious. Caroline hung for a while before it was time for bed.

We got up the next morning and it was so lovely and chilly! We had breakfast and then I spent some time with a good friend of mine and her family. She picked up Caroline’s game day outfit for me and we traded birthday gifts.

When I got back home, my grandma was there to see Caroline, so we all got to spend some time together, which was so nice.

It was time to head to Carter-Finley in the mid-afternoon. We stopped by a good friend’s tailgate and had the best low country boil. It was such a nice evening, perfect for tailgating. Caroline took a nap in her stroller and was basically the best little Wolfpack baby ever.

We headed into the game (Harrison’s and my first time since 2019!). We missed all the pregame festivities which I was sad about, but we greatly underestimated how fast the line would go. It seemed like the student gate flowed so much faster! They have the coolest new lighting system in the stadium this year. Caroline was so good and hung out with her headphones on for the majority of the first half. She was a huge fan of the Power Sound of the South! We left after the halftime performance and Harrison surprised both Caroline and me with a little stuffed Mrs. Wuf to commemorate her first game!

Sunday was my 27th birthday and we celebrated with the best lunch. Smoked tri-tip, parmesan roasted potatoes, and turtle cheesecake… so delicious! I got some great gifts from my family and then we headed to Raleigh for some family photos. I’m so excited to see the final results, but for now, enjoy the awful iPhone shot of our little fam, ha!

I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday weekend. It was full of all the things and people I love and I’m so thankful the Lord has blessed me with another year! 23 and 26 are hard to beat (I got married and had Caroline, respectively), but I’m so excited to see what 27 has in store!

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