

What a week it has been. We are in the trenches of harvest (read more on that below) and everyone is worn out. Maybe it’s the changing weather and leaves, or the fact that I’m solo mom-ing every day, but I have had this deep desire to simply lately. To purge and organize and create routines that lend themselves to easier decision-making and habits in our home.

It seems silly, but it goes as far as wanting to simplify the accounts I follow on social media. I feel inundated when I open my apps and I have a feelings I’m following a lot of things that I either (A) don’t actually care about or (B) don’t add anything to my life. I am so easily overwhelmed by the next new thing on social media and I tend to get trapped scrolling and searching for more inspiration, more content, more, more, more. I’m fixing this by ruthlessly purging those following lists so that what I do see on social media is fulfilling, inspirational, and (hopefully!) brief.

Has anyone else been bitten by the simplifying bug? What does it look like for you?

CJ has had quite the week! She’s enjoyed lots of time with Mom now that I’m working part-time! She picked out her pumpkin for Halloween, rode in the buggy at Walmart for the first time like a big girl, and tried all sorts of new foods (spaghetti and the pot roast you’ll get the recipe for below!). She loves to eat, adores her swing, and pulled up for the first time this week. I feel like things are about to change pretty quickly around here with a more mobile gal!

We are deep into harvest season now and are really close to being finished with corn. That just leaves soybeans up next, on top of bagging all the corn we have in the bin! We were doing some introductions at work the other day and everyone was saying, “I live in X with my husband and children,” and one girl says: “Well, I think I live with my husband. I hardly see him this time of year.” And if that doesn’t describe it, I don’t know what does. Harrison is exhausted, I’m exhausted, it’s just an exhausting time of year. I’m trying to soak it up, though, and remember that it’s just a season and it too shall pass. I’d love to get out in the combine more with Harrison, so I’m making it a goal this week to go ride at least once.

1 // My new breastmilk ring from 

Stick with me here, haha. It’s probably a little unconventional and maybe something you’ve never heard of before (I hadn’t until I had Caroline!), but I had a ring made from some breastmilk I had in the freezer by a girl in Charlotte. It is one of my favorite everyday items now and is so special to me. I didn’t breastfeed/pump for long, but once I found out that your milk could be preserved into jewelry, I made sure I set some aside for the purpose of having one made. I chose a stacker style ring, so that I can get another made when we have another baby and wear them together. I love that it was created specially for us with something that my body produced for Caroline. Pregnancy and birth is such a miracle and a gift from God and I love that I was able to commemorate that time in this way.

2 // 

This is my all-time favorite moisturizer. It is rich and hydrating without being heavy. I have the most sensitive skin and break out so easily, but I truly believe this product helped my skin go from decent to better than it has been in a long, long time. It is pricey, but it lasted close to 6 months of nightly use for me!

Mississippi Pot Roast

This was a meal I made before I had Caroline for the freezer and just now pulled it out. I hate I waited so long because it was a hit! Harrison actually said, “You can make this anytime,” so that’s a win in my book.


  • 2-3 lb. chuck roast

  • (1) 1 oz. packet of dry Ranch dressing mix

  • (1) 1 oz. packet of French onion soup or au jus mix

  • 1 sweet or white onion, sliced

  • 1 stick of butter, cut up

  • 1 jar pepperoncinis with liquid


  1. Mix the Ranch packet, soup or au jus mix, and pepperoncinis together in your crock pot. (Do it right in there to save a dish!)

  2. Add your chuck roast in and sprinkle the sliced onions and chunks of butter on top.

  3. Place the lid on the crock pot and set to low for 8-10 hours.

  4. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes and your choice of vegetable. I microwaved a steamer bag of broccoli.

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