Cookie Boxes (and a last minute recipe round-up!)

One of the things that I've always wanted to do was make cookie boxes to take to our friends, so this year I made it happen! I won't lie... it was a little stressful with a 9-month-old crawling around the kitchen while I was trying to bake, but for that reason, I chose some simpler recipes and ones that would keep in the fridge and freezer for a few days so I could bake over time, rather than all at once. 

I think they turned out rather nice, and everything tasted good, too! We delivered them last night, which was a blast. We didn't tell anyone we were coming (which honestly breaks my cardinal rule of never showing up at anyone's house unannounced, but it's a bit more accepted in a smaller town, I think), so we left several on front porches and sent texts letting them know they were there when they got home, and for the ones we did see, it was a nice surprise at a fun time of year. 

The recipes for the cookies I made will be below, but first, if you're wanting to do a couple last minute boxes and you need a tag, here is a link to my Canva template that I used to make the menu below! It is free to use - if you don't have a Canva account, you can create a free account easily! You will be able to create a copy of the menu to your account and edit it as you see fit!

Without further ado, here are 6 simple recipes that you could throw together really fast if you are in need of something last-minute for a gathering. 

2023 Cookie Menu

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